Deflated Dave

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The Tale of the Deflated Dreamer.
$DAVE began as a simple car dealership mascot, a regular Joe. He danced all day for strangers to help his coworkers sell, although he never got a cut of the profits. After working for years and having nothing to show for it, he decided to give crypto a try. A friend had told him it was a magical place where new millionaires were made every single day. So $DAVE quit his job and went all in on crypto.
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As $DAVE dove into the world of NFT's, he quickly learned that there was nothing easy about crypto. The space was full of scammers, liars and cheats. Despite his best efforts to learn the ropes, it seems all he could consistently do was lose. His life savings slowly began depleting. $DAVE even tried launching his own NFT's, failing miserably once again.
Time went by, NFT's faded and memecoins took their place. Once again, $DAVE did his best to master this new opportunity. Unfortunately, memecoin trading was even worse than NFT's. Scamfluencers, cabals and larps all united to wreak havoc on his investments. It wasn't long before $DAVE had lost the last of his life savings. The dream of having a better life along with it.
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Devastated, distraught and depressed; $DAVE decided to pool the last $ he had to make a memecoin. Having lost so much money in pump scams, he thought people would appreciate a coin that did not trick or/and rug them. Thinking his story was relatable, he chose to make a coin about himself & his struggles. This would be his last chance before going back to dancing for strangers. This was his last hail mary.